Thursday, 9 April 2015

Some Surprising Custom Furniture Options from Cyrus

Having played all the Animal Crossing games so far, I probably tend to assume certain facts.  This can be helpful but it can lead to some holes in my knowledge...  It is only by taking furniture into the Re-Tail Shop that you sometimes find new options.  For example, I only recently discovered that furniture that is given by Leif on Weeding Day can be customised.  Here are some of those options:

Rose Sofa:
  Change colour to White or Yellow

Violet Screen:
  Change colour to White or Blue

Lily Record Player:
  Change colour of flower to Yellow or Red.

Furniture purchased in the Museum Shop obviously can be customised but I did not know that the Museum Chair could be changed.  It is not very interesting but the following can be done:

Museum Chair:
  Change colour to Black

More surprising was the discovery that some of Gracie Grace's special furniture can be customised.  Where the Card Series is concerned, you can change the back of the Card that forms the basis of each piece as follows:

Card Furniture:
  Change colour of the back of the card from Red to Black.  N.B.  Not very attractive!  I had thought it would be the white background that would change which would have offered a nice contrast.

No surprise to veteran players but still one of my favourite options is the colour change that is available for the gorgeous Rococo Furniture.  (sic: game spelling) You can change the trim as follows:

Rococo (sic)  Furniture:
  Change trim to Gothic White, Gothic Yellow or Gothic Black
  Note that these colours are far more lovely than they appear to be.  Gothic White actually is Pink.  Gothic Black actually is Lavender.  Yellow is gold.

Ranch Furniture:
  Surprisingly, a change of colour in the wood makes an entirely different type of furniture.  The wood colour can be changed to:
  Beige or White

When pieces like the Table are changed to white, they match perfectly with the Regal Series, incidentally.

Alpine Furniture:
   This was a surprise to me as although I liked some of the pieces, I never filled any room with this series.  I discovered, however, that it is one of the MOST versatile of the furniture series in terms of refurbishment.

First, you can change the colour of the wood either to Beige or Dark Brown.  Then you can change the pattern either by choosing one of Cyrus' options, or using a piece of clothing or a custom design.  Really an amazing number of options.  I experimented with some of Cyrus' suggestions but they all were very modern.  I found ultimately that the use of the Noodle Tee with beige wood was quite attractive.  When you use clothing, however, you must have an item of clothing for every piece of furniture you refurbish.  This is a little annoying as it involves a great deal of ordering and receiving in your post box.

Cyrus' suggestions for patterns are:  Square, Rain, Wave, Leaf, Mechanical, Modern, Tree.  The tree is one of the worst, as it is nothing more than a single shape that resembles a candle flame in the centre of the fabric.  Some players may like his suggestions but I did not care for them.

In using clothing, I thought the tie-dye might be pretty but did not care much for the result.  The Noodle Tee really is lovely.  I think the lace tank might be pretty as well.

Another favourite of mine is the ability to make tiny models of all the Dinosaurs.  This is not financially profitable to the player but it is not only a way to place favourite Dinosaurs on tables in your house without using tremendous amounts of space but a way to use the fossils once you have completed the Museum collection.  Note, however, that a Dinosaur such as the Diplo, with five parts, costs almost 10,000 Bells to reduce to a Model.

Ordinary Furniture:

Chaise Lounge:
  Pink, Brown

Golf Clubs:
  Green, Red or Black for the colour of the Bag

  An amazing array of possibiilities.  One can use Cyrus' list, use any Custom design or use any item of clothing.  A friend of mine created a Japanese teashop with cushions that all used different Asian designs from clothing items

Claw-foot Tub:
  Pink, Blue, Beige, Marble


Note that many pieces can be customised using Ores, including the items received from the Post Office as Rewards, such as the Piggy Bank.

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