Thursday 19 March 2015

Luck in New Leaf

Luck is always an interesting aspect of any Animal Crossing game.  Good Feng Shui contributes to good luck but there are many different types of luck and a visit to the fortuneteller Katrina can let your character know what really is going on in your life.  She will offer a partial solution in the form of an accessory or item of apparel that either will increase your good luck or partially negate bad luck. 

There are five types of luck:  Money Luck, Friendship Luck, Love Luck, Item Luck and Physical Luck.

Money Luck operates as follows:

Good Money Luck:  Money Rocks drop more Bells and Villagers give you more Bells as well.

Bad Money Luck:  Money Rocks drop fewer Bells and Villagers give you fewer Bells as well.

Friendship Luck:

Good Friendship Luck:  It is easier to increase your friendship level with Villagers of your gender and you will experience more special dialogues with them.
Bad Friendship Luck:  It is more difficult to increase your friendship Level with Villagers of your gender and you will be able to initiate fewer special dialogues.

Love Luck:

Good Love Luck:  It is easier to win points with Villagers of the opposite gender and you will be able to experience more special dialogues with Villagers of the opposite gender.

Bad Love Luck:  It is harder to increase points with Villagers of the opposite gender and you will be able to experience fewer special dialogues with them.

Items Luck:

To me, this is one of the most important forms of Luck as it deals with the special Items given out at Festivals or by special Visitors.

Good Items Luck:  More likely to obtain exclusive items from Saharah or the rare items from Leif at the end of the Weed Day pulling.  More new items given at any special Festival or Contest as well as from Fortune Cookies, Easter, Fireworks Festival and so on.  More new seashells appear on the Beach.

Bad Items Luck:  Far less likely to obtain exclusive Walls and Carpets from Saharah, the rare items from Leif and less likely to obtain new items at any Festival, Contest, in any Fortune Cookie and fewer new shells on the Beach.

So you see how important Items Luck can be as some of these Contests or games occur only once in a year.

Physical Luck: 

Good Physical Luck  Encounter fewer jellyfish when diving, fewer mosquitoes and bees will move more slowly when flushed out of a tree.

Bad Physical Luck:  Encounter more jellyfish, more mosquitoes, bees move to strike more swiftly and your character will trip and fall frequently.  Moreover, to his/her utter chagrin, a seat will make a squelching noise when he/she sits!

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